Admittedly, weak interactions promote entropy, disorder and disintegration, but their activity is essential because they encourage improbable encounters between particles that breathe new life into an entire vibratory and energetic process in search of nest equilibrium.

By encouraging "off the beaten track" paths, creativity is saved. It feeds strong interactions. Exactly as in a human society, where the experience of the old benefits the energy of the young, and the energy of the young can serve the wisdom of the old.

Other forces are now at work: energy is organized into atoms, giving rise to heavier elements with lower energy velocity but greater stability. Atoms organize themselves into increasingly complex molecules. The evolution of matter and life is underway. Matter is differentiated into infinite nuances by atomic interactions. Cellular organisms emerge, cells specialize and give rise to complex organisms. Life explodes on all sides. 

A particular organism is built around a consciousness organized in different layers. This organism is structured like a multi-dimensional millefeuille. If we study it in detail, we find in it the whole "history" of the odyssey of life, from the "nothingness" of the origin: Adya Shakti, which is its deepest core, its Soul, then come the supra-subtle currents of infinite power that will structure its vibratory architecture. This architecture is clothed in subtle centers, hotbeds of condensed energy known as energy nodes or Chakras. These chakras are like domains of expression for energy in a precise register or frequency. As frequency changes, energy changes. Matter is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. It is now the interplay of frequencies that becomes the conductor of the great symphony of life. 

From the original singularity, the energy that originates in Adya Shakti descended through very specific channels to create the most improbable being in existence: the Human Being.